Family Founders
‘APEX GENERATOR CREATIVE’ was founded in 2020 by brothers HOGAN CARTER and ZACK CARTER. Serving primarily as a production company with dynamic versatility, the growing ‘AGC Team’ is set to announce future plans soon!
Hogan Carter
Co-Founder & Lead Engineer, Hogan is an extraordinarily savvy & proficient PRODUCER/TECHNICIAN, currently serving as ‘Senior Manager’ with Red Bull Media House. During his worldwide travels and continual success with Red Bull, Hogan has coordinated projects with high-tier companies such as ESPN, Electronic Arts, SONY, ABC, NEP, LYON, DirectTV, Microsoft, and many more!
Zack Carter
Co-Founder & Lead Collaborator, Zack is an experienced ACTOR/WRITER/DIRECTOR and has worked closely with–and learned much from— a myriad of notable industry veterans over the years; including Rob Reiner, Ivana Chubbuck, Woody Harrelson, Jane Jenkins, Benjamin Byron Davis, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Willie Mercer, and Beth Klein. – Additional info can be found at: www.IMDB.me/zackcarter
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